Start   English   1 - Preface    2 - Introduction   3 - Diagnosising   4 - Patient reports  

5 - Amalgam   6 - Symptoms   7 - Who gets ill?   8 - Mercury-free dental care   9 - Detoxing

10 - Avoid poisoning   11 - Research   12 - Researchers/Practitioners   13 - Protest agains EU

14 - Bivirkingsgruppen Norway   15 - Norway leads the way   16 - Germany sued  

17 - References / Sources   18 - My personal Network   19 - Video Documentations  

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EVIDENCE OF HARM video     Tooth-only       .  


Many ask themselves the justified question, why don’t all people who have

mercury containing amalgam fillings in their mouths become ill suffer

symptoms as described above under point 6.

In principle, it is the same as with some people who get ill from passive

smoking while other can smoke 40 cigarettes a day and live to be 100.

German doctor Dr. Med. Joachim Mutter, who himself was hit very hard by chronic cumulative heavy metal toxicity and is today one of the leading experts in the field - he has written a number of books and articles on the subject - has the following more professional explanation:

He roughly divides people into two groups, i.e. those who are “oversensitive to amalgam” and those who are “not sensitive to amalgam”.

In other words, you can have a genetic predisposition, which means that you cannot excrete mercury (and other heavy metals) as well as you ought to. Consequently the heavy metal gets into your body and accumulates to a greater extent in bones, organs and the brain / central nervous system.

You can measure the body’s own substances that support the excretion of mercury to clarify whether or not you are “oversensitive to amalgam”. Click below to download details:
